Office Ergonomics



Office Ergonomics Keeps Employees Healthy & Productive

Ergonomics is the study of efficiency in the workplace. More importantly, it is a study of what you can do to help your workers stay healthy and perform at their maximum potential. The advent of technology means that we spend more time at desks and workstations than ever before. Moreover, in the last two decades, the term “workplace” has expanded beyond the traditional office setting. A workplace now includes those who “telecommute”, full or part-time employees who work from home.

The occupational therapists at Allied Health Experts are trained in the principles of office ergonomics and design. They also have in-depth knowledge of office-related illness and injuries, as well as how to prevent such issues. Our observations, assessments, input and recommendations are invaluable in preventing injuries relating to prolonged computer use and/or improper office equipment, as well as during recovery from any sustained injuries.

We are pleased to offer the following office ergonomic services, including, but not limited to:

  • Individual workstation assessments: We will inspect your employees’ workstations and unobtrusively observe your employees at work to determine any risk factors and possible improvements that can be made.
  • Small group training to suit your company’s needs and budget considerations: We will train your employees, supervisors and managers in areas such as proper seating posture, the importance of taking mini-breaks, personal aids to boost comfort and ease of use, etc.
  • Advice regarding the selection of office equipment: Based on our assessment, we will provide guidance as to improvements that can or should be made to workstations and private offices.
  • Advice regarding off-site office space or workstations for your telecommuters: We will provide guidance to those of your employees who work from home or at other off-site locations that will benefit their work safety and comfort.

Make sure that your workplace is as safe and as comfortable for your employees as is possible. Contact us today to schedule an office ergonomics appointment.

Elegant Garage
Workstation  — Health Experts In Toowoomba, QLD
Office — Health Experts In Toowoomba, QLD

Given these realities, the necessity for both the study of and improvement to office ergonomics has become even more critical. Aside from keeping your employees safe, office ergonomics comes with many other benefits:

  • Cost reduction: By investing in office ergonomic studies and strategies, you reduce ergonomic risk factors such as MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders). These disorders generally occur due to movement repetition and/or poor posture. Approximately one-third of workers’ compensation claims are paid to workers suffering from MSDs. If you provide ergonomics in the office or to those working from home, these risk factors drastically decrease.
  • Production boost: Designing a workspace for employees that promotes good posture, less repetitive motion, easier heights and reaches and less exertion results in a more efficient work process—more significant efficiency results in better productivity.
  • Work quality: In addition to repetitive motion and postural injury, poor office ergonomics can also lead to tired, inattentive and easily irritated workers who are unable to produce their best work. The best way to keep your employees working at peak performance is to invest in office ergonomics that will keep everyone working in top form.
Work Stations — Health Experts In Toowoomba, QLD
  • Employee engagement: Office ergonomics reduces turnover, lessens absenteeism, boosts morale and increases employee involvement. Employees will also appreciate that the company for whom they work is concerned about their safety and health, resulting in increased company loyalty and reduced turnover.
  • Positive work culture: Investing in office ergonomics demonstrates that your company is committed to the overall physical and mental health and safety of its employees. By showing your employees that the core values of your company are their health and safety, you are creating a stronger and more positive culture in your workplace.

As you can see, office ergonomics is essential in ensuring that your employees are comfortable and productive at their desks or workstations. In our experience, fundamental changes can lead to all of the benefits outlined above and result in happier and healthier employees.

View Stretches for Postural Release

For additional information on Office Ergonomics

For additional information on Office Ergonomics


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